Next Event: Catch 4all in action at the Sundance Film Festival



We are a for-profit social impact technology company developing products and services that make live events accessible for all. Live events are key drivers of brand value, engagement and loyalty, but businesses are failing to meet the expectations of the $13tn disability market. 73% of consumers are touched by disability and yet up to 80% of customer experiences are deemed to be a failure by disabled people.* Legislation and charity alone aren’t going to drive the innovation required to break down the long-standing barriers to participation.

Greater accessibility is now expected

As technology continues to change the way we interact, our digital world is a more accessible place than our physical world. Features such as captions and translation on Zoom or FaceTime calls, to audio description on streaming platforms and video remote interpretation (VRI) in healthcare settings are changing people’s lives for the better. These 1:1 digital interfaces that enable the end user to personalize the experience to suit their needs, haven’t yet transferred across to the analog settings of communal live events, highlighting the lack of inclusivity and representation that still prevails. Our mission is to bridge that gap to provide the live event industry affordable digital products and services that deliver barrier-free experiences to be applied as standard inclusive practice.